Ready for Change?

Let’s clear out what's holding you back so you can confidently pursue your goals and create a life that feels good to you.

Imagine …

Imagine breaking free from the past and gaining crystal clarity about what you truly want for your future

Imagine making decisions for yourself and your life with confidence and conviction, knowing they're right for you

Imagine starting each day with intention, feeling excited and assured that you're moving in the right direction

Hi there! I'm Helen, and I'm here to help you find your true potential and grow both personally and professionally.

Are You Ready for Positive Change?

Imagine feeling free and joyful in your career, relationships, and personal growth, ready to let go of past trauma, regrets, and loss to move into a brighter future. Turn your challenges into opportunities and create the life you’ve always wanted. It’s time to embrace the freedom and happiness you deserve.

My Unique Approach

My goal is to help you understand your inner world—the thoughts, beliefs, and habits that shape your actions. By exploring the parts of yourself you're not aware of—your unconscious mind—you can find the root causes of your behaviors and make lasting changes.

One of the techniques I use is conversational hypnosis. Unlike traditional hypnosis where you lie down with your eyes closed and are guided by a hypnotist, conversational hypnosis is more interactive. During our sessions, we talk naturally. I guide you into a relaxed state where you can tap into your unconscious mind while staying aware of what's happening.

Understanding Your Mind

Think of your mind like an iceberg:

  • The part above the water is your conscious mind—what you're aware of right now, like your thoughts and feelings.

  • The bigger part under the water is your unconscious mind—things you're not aware of, like hidden memories and automatic habits.

Talking vs. Understanding

Talking about what we want is often not enough to create deep and lasting change because talking intellectualizes change with logic and reason. The unconscious mind doesn’t respond to logic and reason alone.

If it did, you wouldn’t be looking for help.

Change Made Simple

For true change, it's necessary to use techniques like conversational hypnosis to engage both the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind. This approach helps uncover hidden insights and address the root causes of behaviors, leading to more meaningful and lasting change.

When you truly understand the positive intention behind why your brain is doing what it’s doing, change becomes easier. The unconscious mind holds the key to our patterns and habits. By exploring this hidden part of yourself, you can find and address the obstacles that have been holding you back.

Is This Approach Right for You?

  • Are you ready to explore the hidden parts of your mind and uncover the root causes of your behaviors?

  • Do you want to engage in a coaching process that is interactive and deeply transformative?

  • Are you prepared to go beyond just talking about change and actually experience it through techniques like conversational hypnosis?

If you answered YES to these questions, then my coaching approach may be exactly what you need. Let's work together to unlock your true potential and create the life you’ve always dreamed of.

It All Starts With You!

If you're ready to understand yourself better, take action, and finally achieve the changes you want, let's start this journey together!

Your commitment to yourself is the first step toward reaching your true goals. Don’t wait any longer—embrace the opportunity for powerful transformation and lasting change.

Click the link below to begin your path to a brighter, and get what you want!

What to Expect

  • Reframe

    We'll pinpoint habitual language patterns that may be reinforcing negative habits or patterns. Through personalized adjustments, you'll break free from these patterns, experiencing immediate improvements.

  • Self-Discovery

    We’ll uncover your true values and understand the unconscious patterns that shape your actions and challenges so that you can choose which you want to keep doing and which you want to eliminate.

  • Alignment

    We’ll align your everyday life with your core values and purpose, integrating fresh perspectives and new language patterns so that you can communicate authentically and experience a richer life.

  • Action

    We’ll put changes into action throughout the process, establishing new habits and continuously refining them for lasting personal growth and transformation.



Learn the unique language of your unconscious mind.

Embark on an extraordinary journey to unravel the mysteries of the human mind, both conscious and unconscious! This captivating email series is designed to help you understand the profound influence of the unconscious mind on memory, imagination, emotions, and human behavior. Gain invaluable insights, practical tips, and unlock the limitless potential within you.

When you sign up for this informative email series, you’ll receive the workbook that is step one of the process of connecting with your brain -

Discovering the Power of the See/Hear/Feel

In it you’ll learn about the unconscious mind’s communication strategies and how it applies to your life.

Sign up now to explore the wonders of the mind and unlock your true potential!

What Clients Are Saying

  • Helen’s soulful life experiences, creativity, and impressive training make her a very resourceful coach with a variety of modalities to choose from. I recommend Helen Brenner Coaching!


  • “Working with Helen has been transformational!

    After living with the effects of trauma for over 50 years, I reached a point where I didn’t think the kind of changes I wanted were possible.

    However, after just 6 months of working with Helen, I began to see changes that I didn’t believe were possible.

    I have had more insight, understanding and healing in those 6 months than I have had in all my years in therapy. I am finally experiencing the changes in my life that I have always wanted!”


  • Just a month ago, I would've laughed if you told me my anxiety could get better. Now, a few weeks later, I can't believe how much better I feel. I'm actually confident and relaxed.

    Helen, you're amazing at what you do. The way you explained why I act or feel a certain way really made things click for me. My anxiety went from a super high 9 out of 10 to practically a 1 out of 10. That's incredible.

    If you're struggling with stuff that's messing with your day-to-day life, you should definitely call Helen. She can really make a difference. Thanks a ton, Helen. You've changed my life.


  • Before I started working with Helen, I was stuck. I felt the pressure of providing for my family and couldn't see a way out without letting them down. I was lost in my job, thinking I couldn’t make a change without jeopardizing everything. But the changes in me led to a new job that I never thought was possible. I'm not only content with my new path, but I'm genuinely excited about what lies ahead. This was definitely the turning point in my life.


  • “We used to argue a lot, but now we're past that. It took me some time to see that I needed to change myself instead of just focusing on what my wife needed to change. But as we've been working with Helen separately to make our marriage better, we've both grown as people and as a couple. It's pretty amazing how close we came to breaking up, but now we're giving it another shot together. I can honestly say, if you're having problems in your marriage, getting some help from Helen individually can really help.”


  • “In working with Helen I was able to tap deep into my soul and address some of my deepest fears and identify where I want to head to in my career.

    Helen helped me get clarity on my goals and enabled me to see my vision clearly. Each coaching session with Helen was filled with so much positive energy. There was a wonderful connection with Helen which made our discussions meaningful.

    The tools Helen used were exceptional that always addressed the core of the issue. I found Helen to be grounded, focused, reflective and compassionate. I highly recommend Helen!”


  • “Helen has taught me how to work with my brain. She has changed the way I exist.

    I'm telling you... if you haven't learned what Helen can show/teach you, you aren't operating at your optimum level.”


  • “Helen has been my coach for the last two years. During this time she has often worked with me using the E.M.E.R.G.E framework has helped me when I've felt stuck, or have been emotionally floundering.

    I am more grounded today than I ever have been, I have greater clarity, and self awareness. Helen is easy to connect with, empathetic, and genuine.

    Even coaches need coaches, I am grateful to have Helen as mine!”


  • “I had 12 sessions with Helen, and, boy, did she make me work. I cried, I laughed and everything in between.

    Helen is compassionate, very knowledgeable and well versed in how human brain works because of her formal mental health background which was really a selling point for me.

    I would (and I have!) recommend Helen to everyone. Cannot wait to have another 12 some time soon! :)”


  • “I love working with Helen. She's so knowledgable on her work and she walked me through the process of NLP and using her specialty technique EMERGE to help me uncover a lot of the deep hidden mindset work that I was not aware about. She's absolutely a delight to work with!”


5 Steps to Flip Your Negative Thoughts Into Positive


What You’ll Gain For Yourself:

  • Sharpen your self-awareness to recognize and break free from negative thought loops.

  • Separate fact from fiction in your mind to balance your perspective and reduce worry.

  • Craft actionable steps to transform thinking into tangible, positive life changes.

Getting Past Survivor

Blog & Podcast

Hosted by Helen Brenner