In their words

Read what clients are saying:

Unfulfilled, Lost, Money, Trauma


Most of my clients come to me feeling unfulfilled or empty, which often leads to feelings of shame or guilt.  They didn’t feel they were making a difference in the world.  They often felt something was lacking but couldn’t put a finger on it.  They felt empty inside, but knew there was something more.

What clients said they were experiencing:

I felt there was something I was supposed to do.  Nothing made me feel I was using all the gifts I had. / I should have figured it out by now.  I’m trying to find peace, but I’m not taking the steps.  I need to figure out – what’s the deal, really?  What’s behind it all? / There are so many areas of my life I need to retrain my brain. Figure it out, otherwise, I’m missing out.

Others believed they already knew what they wanted but didn’t feel they were allowed to have it:

All this time I was so afraid of letting my parents (or other relatives, or spouse, or boss, etc.) down, instead of living my life the way I wanted to.

Through coaching, we were able to clear what was holding them back and they began to allow themselves to feel true to themselves without judgement or expectations. They were able to let their minds flow, to recall their dreams, and envision possibilities. 

What clients say now:
I’ve reconciled how to desire without being attached to the outcome. Things are falling into place.  I have more trust that everything is happening as it should be. / There’s a kind of excitement and enthusiasm around my own self-awareness and being able to apply that to support others. / For the first time in my life, I’m actually seeing myself the way I want to be. Doing what I want to do.  Answering to myself. / Other people wanted to keep me in a box, but I’ve broken out of it.  It’s an amazing feeling! To run my own life.


My clients shared that they felt their life wasn’t the way they expected or wanted it to be. 

What clients said they were experiencing:
I’m not getting as much done as I want to.  I start thinking I want to accomplish, but then don’t.  It’s really affecting my career, my love life. / I’m just not where I want to be.  There are deeper reasons I’m procrastinating and not prioritizing. / I’ve always been so super cautious and fearful.  Where am I holding myself back?  I’m not living and breathing my talk. / There’s resistance… Why?  What would happen if I actually ended up with what I wanted?  What’s in the way of me doing what I need to do in order for me to be what I’m capable of being? / I want a feeling of no longer holding my breath.  I want to be living my potential.

What they say now:
I learned what was in my way, and it was all me.  It’s incredible how I had been hiding myself from me.  There are so many options and opportunities out there.


Quite a few of my clients struggled with their relationship with money.   For many, money was something to be feared, avoided, and never to be had or saved. This feeling revolved around unworthiness, shame, guilt. Many were unable to earn a self-sustainable amount of money and were dependent on loved ones or social services. Others struggled receiving money awarded them through distressful events such as a divorce or the death of a loved one. 

What clients said they were experiencing:
Somewhere in my mind, money isn’t fun.  It’s a burden. / I’ve never done anything that earned a lot of money. / I don’t have a clear picture of success or money. / I don’t have any, never did. / I avoid anything that has to do with money, bury my head in the sand, as it were. / I’ve always been in survivor mode. / Money comes with pain from loss of my loved one - It hurts

By working through negative messages, grief, and limiting beliefs and clearing the unconscious thoughts/feelings, my clients are now able to be in a place of receiving - expecting success and abundance.

What they say nowI stressed with money for so long.  Now I realize as I’m in alignment with my real goals and values that I don’t have to think about the money. / I don’t have to worry about where it’ll come from. / I feel peaceful, open to receiving.  I’ve never felt this way before.  Inner peace. / It’s really affecting my career in a good way this time! I’m working in areas where I’m expecting to be paid my worth. / I can’t get my loved one back, but I can do good with the inheritance they left me.


Many of my clients were deeply affected by triggers related to the trauma they experienced in their childhoods and adult lives that showed up as anxiety and depression (abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, domestic violence, and loss).  They were so used to experiencing the feelings, their minds retreated back to that same familiar feeling in times of stress and in times of goodness.  These triggers caused rushes of adrenaline and cortisol that cause emotional and physical pain their bodies.  Most found it hard to truly live without regret and anxiety.

What clients said they were experiencing:
When I get triggered, I feel a lot of pain in my body. / I feel like I’m always look backwards at my life with regret. / I’m so tired of talking about it. / I feel like every time I talk about it, I get retraumatized / I can’t seem to not think about it / I just don’t want it running my life anymore / I really want to love and be loved

I help clients heal from their trauma through my working with their unconscious mind in a safe space where they con’t have to talk about the trauma. I help them create new neural pathways in their minds. Through this method, my clients are able to observe the situation from a detached perspective without actually feeling very much of it. In a very specific healing, my clients no longer relive their past experiences. And, because they were able to release and clear from the trauma memories, they found peace in their bodies and finally became able to move forward with their lives.

What they say nowI never experienced healing like this before / I can’t tell you how grateful I am to finally be free of flashbacks after decades of suffering / I finally found my voice / I not only healed myself but I healed my marriage - I used to be so detached and now I enjoy our closeness. It was hard to love someone when I felt so uncomfortable inside

My Approach

Because I don’t believe that healing from trauma, or any of life’s experiences, is linear and to be scheduled on a calendar, I support my clients in our weekly sessions and in between as needed.

Through this approach, clients are able to contact me and set up interim appointments and not rely on old patterns of suppressing it until we can meet again.  This way we are able to clear what comes up and move clients through their healing/change/growth much more quickly.

What clients say about the personalized support they experienced working with me:  “I’m grateful that you’re around to help me in between the regular sessions.  I feel heard, understood, guided to a place that’s beyond my limited view of myself.  I’m no longer clearing trauma, I’m seeing my future!”

Client Testimonials

Helen has so much knowledge, education, and personal experience about more than just coaching, and she brings it all to the table when you work with her. A partnership with Helen is thought-provoking, authentic, and so inspiring, it’s definitely a life change. She totally ROCKS!

In working with Helen I was able to tap deep into my soul and address some of my deepest fears and identify where I want to head to in my career. Helen helped me get clarity on my goals and enabled me to see my vision clearly. Each coaching session with Helen was filled with so much positive energy. There was a wonderful connection with Helen which made our discussions meaningful. The tools Helen used were exceptional that always addressed the core of the issue. I found Helen to be grounded, focused, reflective and compassionate. I highly recommend Helen!

My kids are grown and I’m looking to recreate my life. I was referred to Helen by a friend who had worked with her. I really noticed big changes in my friend and wanted the same thing. With her insight, I have been able to get a better understanding of where I want my life to go, the work I want to do, and really, the legacy I want to leave behind.