Now that you’re here, this is how we begin to…

…heal and be whole again!
As a coach, a trauma survivor, an admin and facilitator of childhood trauma groups for 20 years, and a former mental health counselor, I’ve heard these limiting beliefs about trauma time and again:
Trauma will always be a part of life
You have to talk about it to feel better
Different degrees of trauma are more impactful than others
I’ll always be plagued by disturbing flashbacks
I can’t trust people
I can’t trust myself
Trauma made me who I am
Trauma, particularly childhood abuse and childhood sexual abuse, are the experiences that really create incredibly hurtful, ugly messages that plague survivors. Our brains don’t know what to do with the experience and so it stores memories in the limbic system as a way to protect us. But, this effort doesn’t really protect us. It actually holds us back.
What if you could quickly clear the impact of the trauma and live in a state of accepting and receiving inner peace, love, happiness, wealth, and deep connection with self?
Through my work with trauma survivors and my own personal experience clearing trauma, I can tell you this is something you can expect. When I work with clients, trauma survivors or not, we don’t talk about the problem. Instead I utilize a powerful technique known as NLP in Hypnosis where we access your unconscious mind while you’re in a conscious state. This is powerful because we’re able to make changes at all levels of consciousness. You don’t talk about it, but instead simply identify how it shows up for you in the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic senses - what you see/hear/feel. There is no need or intention for you to feel anymore than just enough to identify it before we then break the brain’s synaptic/neural connections to it and then clear it out. Fast, simple, and incredibly effective.
I was plagued with flashbacks, very limiting beliefs, habits and patterns that were causing anxiety and depression type symptoms. for decades As a client and student of NLP in Hypnosis, I was able to clear it all out. NLP in Hypnosis creates new neural pathways in the brain, and severs the old, harmful ones that I no longer want to run my brain. There is a great sense of peace in my body. I can talk about my trauma as a storyteller rather than a feeling or seeing it. My traumatic experiences are now merely unaccessed memory, just as the memories of falling down while learning to walk are. No more flashbacks. No more kinesthetic (body/emotional/feeling) responses. I didn’t find NLP in Hypnosis until I was 54 and I’ve made it my mission to bring healing to as many trauma survivors as I can. Nobody should suffer a moment longer than they have to.
If you can relate to what I’ve shared and want to learn more about my story and how you too can heal from trauma, click the “Get in Touch” button below and let’s talk about how coaching with NLP in Hypnosis and Energy Leadership coaching can help you!

My Approach
Because I don’t believe that healing from trauma, or any of life’s experiences, is linear and to be scheduled on a calendar, I support my clients in our weekly sessions and in between as needed.
Through this approach, clients are able to contact me and set up interim appointments and not rely on old patterns of suppressing it until we can meet again. This way we are able to clear what comes up and move clients through their healing/change/growth much more quickly.
What clients say about the personalized support they experienced working with me: “I’m grateful that you’re around to help me in between the regular sessions. I feel heard, understood, guided to a place that’s beyond my limited view of myself. I’m no longer clearing trauma, I’m seeing my future!”
Want to take the next step?
Schedule a free consultation with me to find out if we are the right fit for each other!