You want to find You!


Did you know that the average college student changes their major 3 times? As we’re living our lives, we’re trying to figure out who we are and what we want, yet time keeps ticking on. Before we know it, we’re middle aged and haven’t done much of what we dreamed of doing while we were in our youth. Life doesn’t come with a manual, a map, or directions of any kind.

Clients come to me feeling lost. What they mean is, they have no idea who they are or what they’re on this earth for.

They hold themselves back and then look at themselves with shame and judgment, only seeing what they haven’t done - usually in comparison with what they see others having done.

They have resistance, lack follow through, feel overly cautious about making choices they’ll regret. Only they’re not making choices at all. So they come to me and ask “Why am I doing this to myself??”


What’s holding them back is in the unconscious in the form of learned behaviors and patterns adopted by their brains to protect them.

Diane was came to me in her mid 50s. Happily married with 2 grown successful, independent children. She felt that her purpose was to have children and be a good mother. And she was, she was a very involved, caring mother. And her children thrived because of it. However, after the kids moved out on their own, Diane experienced what’s commonly referred to as “empty nest syndrome.” During the time the children were growing, Diane didn’t do much to prepare for a life after being a mother. She really wasn’t surprised that she felt, as she put it, “lost in a vast emptiness, not know where to go or how to get there.” What she didn’t realize was how she had gotten to where she was that day she contacted me. She assumed this feeling was simply due to lack of planning.

Through NLP in Hypnosis, we were able to uncover the impact being raised by a very fear filled mother had been on Diane. She was hovered over, protected, and in turn was the same way with her own children. She went from an existence as Diane the protected daughter to Diane the protective mother. Her limited freedoms as a child suppressed her desire to look beyond what was happening in her life in the moment. When she was raising her children, she limited herself to seeing only her children’s futures.

We were able to remove unconscious blocks and create new neural pathways that allowed Diane to see beyond the limits of motherhood and design a life that gave her a sense of fulfillment. We were able to help her find herself. She has now enrolled in college for the first time. Because she has found this new path for herself, her relationships with her husband and children are richer than they’ve ever been.

If you can relate to Diane and want to uncover and clear what’s holding you back from being found, click the “Get in Touch” button below and let’s talk about how coaching with NLP in Hypnosis and Energy Leadership coaching can help you!

My Approach

Because I don’t believe that healing from trauma, or any of life’s experiences, is linear and to be scheduled on a calendar, I support my clients in our weekly sessions and in between as needed.

Through this approach, clients are able to contact me and set up interim appointments and not rely on old patterns of suppressing it until we can meet again.  This way we are able to clear what comes up and move clients through their healing/change/growth much more quickly.

What clients say about the personalized support they experienced working with me:  “I’m grateful that you’re around to help me in between the regular sessions.  I feel heard, understood, guided to a place that’s beyond my limited view of myself.  I’m no longer clearing trauma, I’m seeing my future!”


Want to take the next step? 

Schedule a free consultation with me to find out if we are the right fit for each other!