You want a better relationship with money!
Money beliefs are quite commonly the most negative and limiting beliefs people in our culture hold.
Which of these statements do you identify with:
- Money is the root of all evil
- People who want a lot of money are greedy
- The rich get richer and the poor get poorer
- It takes money to make money
- You have to be in certain professions to make money
- Survival of the fittest
- Only a few ever make it to the top, I’ll never be one of them
- My financial success depends on the job market and the economy
- You have to hustle and focus on the work and put everything aside in order to make money
- Money is the measure of my success
- I can’t make more money than my spouse/SO, siblings, parents
- Money is a burden.
- I’ve never done anything that earned a lot of money
- I don’t have a clear picture of success or money
- I never had any money, never did, and I probably never will. Don’t know what I’d do with it even if I did!
- I avoid anything that has to do with money, bury my head in the sand
- I’ve always been in survivor mode, barely scraping by
Now, take a deep breath and look at the list again with openness. What do you notice about your reactions to each statement?
The reactions you experienced came from your unconscious mind in automatic, learned response patterns. These patterns have their roots in beliefs and rules you’ve developed throughout your life. All of the statements in the list (and others like them) are negative and limiting - victim, helpless, hopeless, anger, controlling, etc.
Did you find yourself disputing the statements and finding the opposite positive statement?
In working with me, we will identify responses you experience, break the patterns and remove the undesired responses, and create new patterns that serve you better.
Claire struggled with mixed emotional responses to money, which left her feeling unable to imagine herself with any amount more than what she absolutely needed to survive. When she thought about having money, she was overwhelmed with feelings of sadness, guilt, and fear. She saw glimpses of her father and her ex-husband. As I went through the techniques of NLP in Hypnosis and cleared out the feelings (kinesthetic), she began to recognize that her father’s relationship to money greatly impacted her. He gave away 35% of his income consistently, telling her that he was lucky to be born into the opportunity others never get and therefore had no right to keep it.
Claire internalized having opportunity as a guilt of privilege. Compounding her issues was the unconscious belief that women don’t earn more than men because her father was the breadwinner. When she met her ex and was earning more than him, she put on her earning breaks so he could be earning more than she did. “I just lost my will for success after his always teasing me about making more than him. I stopped my earning to make him feel better. She adopted the principal - “Money isn’t important. I just want to help people.” And so she undervalued herself, and yet paid others their worth.
Over the years, Claire became more and more detached from the possibility of having money. Recognizing these money blocks, we were able to help her understand that her father was able to provide for his family and give away a substantial amount because he earned a substantial amount. She created a new rule - earn more, help more. In addition, she was able to visualize a future where she encouraged herself to earn whatever she wanted. She has since approached her boss about a raise and was compensated exactly what she asked for. Through the techniques of NLP in Hypnosis, we created new neural pathways in her brain and she now has a new way of experiencing a healthy relationship with money.
If you can relate to Claire and want to have a better relationship with money, click the “Get in Touch” button below and let’s talk about how coaching with NLP in Hypnosis and Energy Leadership coaching can help you!

My Approach
Because I don’t believe that healing from trauma, or any of life’s experiences, is linear and to be scheduled on a calendar, I support my clients in our weekly sessions and in between as needed.
Through this approach, clients are able to contact me and set up interim appointments and not rely on old patterns of suppressing it until we can meet again. This way we are able to clear what comes up and move clients through their healing/change/growth much more quickly.
What clients say about the personalized support they experienced working with me: “I’m grateful that you’re around to help me in between the regular sessions. I feel heard, understood, guided to a place that’s beyond my limited view of myself. I’m no longer clearing trauma, I’m seeing my future!”
Want to take the next step?
Schedule a free consultation with me to find out if we are the right fit for each other!