You want a fulfilled life!
Most of my clients come to me expressing that they feel unfulfilled.
Most describe it as a gnawing feeling that they just can’t identify. A sense of something missing, but they didn’t know what it was.
Some examples of how it showed up for them: feeling of emptiness, lack of clarity, overwhelmed by life, lack of self-motivation and care, and feeling without choice. Many were successful in their careers but suffered through bad relationships. Others had wonderful relationships but lacked joy in their career. Clients spent their energy on their career, their children or their significant other in an effort to mean something. They didn’t want to let anyone down, and yet they knew they were letting themselves down.
What this looks like for you!
Clear what’s holding you back Like others, you’ll recognize that they you have been greatly influenced by your external world, creating unconscious rules of how you’re supposed to live.
Client Stories:
She married her husband because “that’s what I was supposed to do. I didn’t love him but I felt that was my best option. Nobody else came along. Who wants to be an old maid.” 30 years later and she’s now finding those rules she adopted herself and heard from others and is clearing them out. She is finding out who she really is and what she feels is her purpose.
“Don’t quit that job!" That rule, heard in her mid-20s, led her to stay in a dead end job where she was miserable, instead of seeking careers that gave her a sense of fulfillment. We cleared out the rule and residual negative responses, and now she’s using that experience as a valuable asset in her new career of her choosing.
He felt guilty going towards a life he wanted. He was told over and over again that “you get what you get” and “life brings lemons so make lemonade, you just have to accept it.” He shared, “I don’t want to accept it. And I don’t even like lemonade!” What he wanted was to go towards a career that he wanted. People in his life had been so limited by their rules that they were unable to support him in his wants, dreams, and desires. We cleared out the unwanted rules and replaced them with what he wanted, and we cleared out the guilt and shame and now he freely to follows his own path.
We are run by other people’s expectations from the moment we’re born. We learn to walk in response to our caregivers’ glee. We are designed to fit in, to please, to survive. And in the process learn what we should and shouldn’t do. But when those rules are not rules that enrich our lives, we need to go into the unconscious and clean house and replace it all with rules that clients actually want.
If you can relate to these stories and want to have a fulfilling life, click the “Get in Touch” button below and let’s talk about how coaching with NLP in Hypnosis and Energy Leadership coaching can help you achieve it!

My Approach
Because I don’t believe that healing from trauma, or any of life’s experiences, is linear and to be scheduled on a calendar, I support my clients in our weekly sessions and in between as needed.
Through this approach, clients are able to contact me and set up interim appointments and not rely on old patterns of suppressing it until we can meet again. This way we are able to clear what comes up and move clients through their healing/change/growth much more quickly.
What clients say about the personalized support they experienced working with me: “I’m grateful that you’re around to help me in between the regular sessions. I feel heard, understood, guided to a place that’s beyond my limited view of myself. I’m no longer clearing trauma, I’m seeing my future!”
Want to take the next step?
Schedule a free consultation with me to find out if we are the right fit for each other!