Getting Past Survivor is the Destination


You want to be different,

you want your past to not affect you anymore. 

You want to be on the other side of Survivor.

But the journey to get there can be overwhelming and scary and daunting.

People say it's not the destination,

it's the journey.

But when it comes to Getting Past Survivor, it truly is the destination.

My journey of Getting Past Survivor is where I had to go through the realizations, the things that I didn't want to really relive:  pain, regrets.

And while the destination was forefront of my mind, I want to reframe this to say that the journey of my healing taught me so much about who I am as a person and who I want to be on the other side of Survivor.

Now that I have healed from a significant amount of my past,

I'm grateful for that journey.

But I'm more grateful for the destination.

While the phrase,

“It's not the destination, it’s the journey”

is really good, just know that the journey doesn't have to feel great when the destination is amazing.

I encourage you to focus on the destination of healed that’s on the other side of survivor, while still finding joy in what the journey to get there will be doing for you along the way.




You Have to Move…Immediately