You Have to Move…Immediately


Imagine this.

You look down at your phone and there's a text from the landlord saying he's selling the property and you have to move by the end of the month.

It's now the second week of the month.

1500 square feet of stuff, four people, animals, chaos.

The text was quickly followed by,

“I have another place you can move it into if you want to go look at it. So I said, Okay, I can do that”

and made an appointment to take my oldest with me to meet with the landlord later that day.

The place wasn't great, it had a lot of problems and was dirty.

Just needed a lot of love and care.

A lot!

When we got back to the house where we were living at the time, my oldest who was unemployed, was panicking because the new place was going to be $400 more than what we were paying.

Almost a 25% increase in rent.

She was pacing around.

And I heard in my head, (very similar to the voices I've heard in my head before, saying, “Don't even bother?” “What's wrong with you?”) 

This one, as clear as a bell said,

“No, we're not going down that road of panic.”

And as those words were swirling in my head, I could feel a wave of calm go through my body literally from my head to my toes.

I could feel my body immediately relax in response.

As I was hearing this, it was almost as if I was looking up to find that part of my head, part of my brain that was saying this to me, and I was so impressed.

I said,

“Oh, thank you brain!”

because my automatic response was, no, we're not going down that pacing path of panic that my child was going through and my body literally just whew, relaxed.

I looked over and I said,

“My brain is not allowing me to go down this road with you right now.”

What a huge way to be able to see all the work I've done to retrain my brain.

It came out in a way I wanted it to.

It could have gone into sheer panic.

I could have had racing thoughts.

I could have had a racing heart.

I could have had all of that fight/flight response, but I didn't.

What I had was instruction from my unconscious mind to calm down so that now my conscious mind could do its job of finding solutions.  

And in the moment when I heard this voice in my head saying, no, we're not doing that, my conscious mind didn't fight.

My conscious mind didn't say,

"Yeah, but..."

My conscious and unconscious minds were working together to serve me in a way that felt really good.

And I immersed myself in that and I breathed through it.

And I said to myself,

“Oh my God, thank you brain. Thank you brain for doing this, because this feels a lot better than the panicky responses of the past.”

And even now as I'm telling you this story, my body still relaxes from that.

It has created what's known as a “do” cue.

It's saying it and my body's doing it.

All of the work I have been doing to train my brain to respond in its automatic, incredibly powerful way showed up for me that day.

Just like we can create an automatic panic response to situations, we can also have an automatic calm response.

I love that power of retraining my brain, and you can too.

If you would like to be able to train your brain to respond automatically in ways that are calming and allow for mental clarity, I invite you to contact me. 

Let's work with your unconscious mind to understand why it's doing what it does for you.  

Let’s help it release things that are not serving you and create new ways of being able to live and respond in your life.


Getting Past Survivor is the Destination


When Change Feels Like Moving to a Foreign Country