Getting Past Survivor

A Journey to Wholeness

Blog & Podcast

Hey there! Welcome to "Getting Past Survivor, A Journey to Wholeness," a blog and podcast where I openly share my personal journey of triumphing over trauma and loss. And, through my writing and speaking, you'll hear stories from other trauma survivors who really want to share their own experiences but prefer to remain anonymous, entrusting me to speak on their behalf.

This podcast is dedicated to creating a safe haven for vulnerability and fostering meaningful connections. Through sharing my stories, my aim is to offer guidance, hope, and inspiration to those who may be navigating their own healing paths. Together, we will unravel the complexities of trauma and loss, unearthing the strength within us to overcome adversity.

Whether you have encountered personal hardships or are looking to understand and support others who have, "Getting Past Survivor, A Journey to Wholeness" is here to accompany you on your journey. I firmly believe that by acknowledging our pain and embracing our vulnerabilities, we can discover the inner strength necessary to triumph over any challenge.

To read more about my story: The Reason for Getting Past Survivor


Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

From Chaos to Clarity

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation as you explore the profound insights of hypnosis and the unconscious mind. Through these posts, unlock practical tools to accelerate your personal growth and understand yourself on a deeper level. Gain invaluable insights into how your subconscious influences your actions and learn to harness this power for positive change. Dive into the fascinating revelation that the brain reacts before conscious awareness, offering a new perspective on the mysteries of your mind.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner


What does hope mean to you? How does it show up in your life, in your healing journey? Do you have hope for yourself? I didn’t for a long time, even though I was determined to find it. And when I did find it, I found me.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

You Have to Move…Immediately

What do you do when your home life is turned upside unexpectedly? How do you react within when you learn that you have 3 weeks to move everything you and your 3 children own? It was chaos, but I didn’t feel it in my body. Rather than panic, my brain was in control in a way that was calm and focused on solutions. How do you want your brain to respond in times of chaos?

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Childhood Sexual Abuse & The Dentist

The dentist office is a scary place for most people I know. It’s even worse for survivors of sexual abuse. Here is some insight for both survivors, and professionals who serve them, so we can create a feeling of safety in the dentist chair.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner


The Power of the Woobie

We don’t really know the power of stuffed animals and blankets when we first give them to our babies, but as babies are developing they are developing attachment to the objects around them and these woobies become much more than objects to babies. They’re comfort within that last a lifetime.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner


My mind raced…How could I go by myself?? But I knew that if I didn’t go, I’d be missing a chance of a lifetime!

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Midol, Part 2

In the heat of the moment, when I’m reacting to situations, it’s not Master’s Degree Helen talking, it’s Little Survivor Brain Helen defending herself. This wasn’t work, this was personal. This was life.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Midol, Part 1

One little phrase can impact us for decades . . . Here’s one of the most impactful I’ve experienced.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Uniquely You

If everyone is unique, how can any of us actually “fit in?”

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Living Life As You

We live our lives based on other people's expectations from the moment we take our first breath.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner


I was relevant and people really did care.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Time for My Happy to Come Home

My “Happy” has spent too much time living in what I believed were other people’s expectations of what happy should be.

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