Rules, Traditions & Beliefs


Getting Clear About What You Really Want … and Don’t Want

~ Relationships, Career, Family, Social Life, Money, Health, Fun, Spirituality ~

We quite often live our lives by habit, rather than by in-the-now conscious choice.

It’s actually easier for us to live this way and our brains are designed that way.

But that doesn’t mean it’s in our best interest.  And it certainly doesn’t mean it’s going to feel good. 

Regardless of where we were born, we are all given a set of rules, traditions, and beliefs to live by from the family or system we’re born into.

The adults, children, and media around us have their beliefs about just about everything and those beliefs are instilled in us without our knowing it and without our input or permission.

Knowing what we want and what drives us, particularly those rules, traditions and beliefs that come from others as we were growing up, is incredibly important.

Not only can they guide to be the people we want to be, they can also hold us back.

And those rules, traditions and beliefs that hold us back are better known as limiting beliefs.”

For example:

A person born into a generational firefighting family might feel resistance when wanting to pursue a career as a police officer.

A person who wants to start their own business may feel resistance from a family or culture that has always relied on the corporate paycheck.

What limiting beliefs are these people now carrying in their unconscious minds?

You might be finding yourself struggling with career, family, relationships, social life, money, health, fun, spirituality, religion, faith, gender, sexuality.

What you have in your unconscious memory banks is how you're "supposed" to do these things and it very well could be in conflict with what you truly believe for yourself.

Those rules either suit us or cause internal conflict and tension.

How often do you recognize that you are reacting to someone else’s rules for your life? How are you creating rules in someone else’s life?

Questioning those beliefs, traditions, and rules is part of the self-awareness journey and can be quite enlightening and empowering and lead you to knowing what YOU really want, as opposed to what others want for you. 

As you read the following questions about the rules of your life, notice what comes up for you in these areas of your life:

Relationships, Career, Family, Social Life, Money, Health, Fun, Spirituality

Notice your unconscious mind’s reaction to them.

What are you feeling throughout your body?  What are you seeing in your mind’s eye?  What are you hearing in your mind? Tap into your unconscious mind’s communication.

  • When do you question those rules, traditions, and beliefs?

  • How do you question those rules, traditions, and beliefs?

  • Who will get in the way of your challenging those rules, traditions, and beliefs?

  • How does maintaining those rules, traditions, and beliefs serve you?

  • Do those rules, traditions, and beliefs give you a good feeling?

  • Are there a rules, traditions, and beliefs that you want to embrace but can’t or are discouraged from adopting?

  • Are the rules, traditions, or beliefs utilized to encourage or to discourage or control family, education, work, or social circles?

  • Will you lose connections if you change your rules, traditions, and beliefs?

  • Do you know yourself well enough to know what rules, traditions, and beliefs are right for you?

  • If you designed your own belief system, what would it look like for you? What rules would you apply to yourself? Would you feel the need to share them with others?

As you explore each of these questions, you may feel confusion, resistance, and/or openness to the experience.

These rules, traditions, and beliefs can come with a lot of unconscious attachment to others and years of inner habits that are hard to move away from.

I invite you to reach out to me at the link below and set up time to talk about how you can further understand what’s been influencing you and how you can develop the rules, traditions, and beliefs that suit you best.

For more information on accessing your unconscious mind’s unique communication language, download the Power of the Unconscious Mind workbook!




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