Getting Past Survivor

A Journey to Wholeness

Blog & Podcast

Hey there! Welcome to "Getting Past Survivor, A Journey to Wholeness," a blog and podcast where I openly share my personal journey of triumphing over trauma and loss. And, through my writing and speaking, you'll hear stories from other trauma survivors who really want to share their own experiences but prefer to remain anonymous, entrusting me to speak on their behalf.

This podcast is dedicated to creating a safe haven for vulnerability and fostering meaningful connections. Through sharing my stories, my aim is to offer guidance, hope, and inspiration to those who may be navigating their own healing paths. Together, we will unravel the complexities of trauma and loss, unearthing the strength within us to overcome adversity.

Whether you have encountered personal hardships or are looking to understand and support others who have, "Getting Past Survivor, A Journey to Wholeness" is here to accompany you on your journey. I firmly believe that by acknowledging our pain and embracing our vulnerabilities, we can discover the inner strength necessary to triumph over any challenge.

To read more about my story: The Reason for Getting Past Survivor


Helen Brenner Helen Brenner


Ever wonder why you yawn during deep emotional moments? It's not boredom—it's your body signaling profound shifts, especially during trauma recovery. Discover how yawning helps transition your brain from tension to relaxation, and how it reflects deep work in your nervous system.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Fake It Till You Make It

While the intention behind the phrase "fake it till you make it" is to boost confidence, the word "fake" may subconsciously reinforce that you are not truly capable or deserving of success. This can create a conflict between your conscious efforts and your unconscious beliefs, hindering your ability to achieve consistent success.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

The Downside of Speaking Goals

Discover the surprising downside of sharing your goals aloud in today's digital age. Uncover how the social reality effect can hinder your progress, leaving you feeling satisfied without taking meaningful steps forward. Learn practical strategies to navigate this phenomenon and stay focused on your aspirations. Read on for tips on selective sharing, action-oriented planning, and celebrating real milestones. Find the balance between external validation and internal drive. Dive into the full blog for insights and actionable advice.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Understanding and Navigating Trauma: A Comprehensive Guide for Survivors and Their Loved Ones

The belief that "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" doesn't always hold true for trauma survivors. Trauma can lead to behaviors like excessive accommodation, tolerance of negativity, emotional clutter, quick forgiveness, and difficulty asserting oneself. Loved ones should encourage survivors to express needs, set boundaries, and be patient. Survivors may also face challenges in speaking up, excessive sensitivity, trust issues, and navigating relationships. The path to healing involves understanding these changes, fostering open communication, and providing support for a balanced and fulfilling life.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Turning to Belief

Imagine this: a battle within, one part cheering, "You deserve the best!" The other whispers, "No, you don't.” You try to believe, to break free from doubts. Looking back, you long for that confident step into a fulfilled life.

Ever notice resistance holding you back? What if you could let it go, embracing your truth and transforming your life?

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

You’ve Got To Want To Succeed

You’ve heard of the fear of success, but what about the benefits of not succeeding? Looking back at your life, where did holding yourself back actually seem beneficial to your unconscious mind? The unconscious mind is there to serve you, but all too often it has the wrong idea. In this case, for me, it was all about changing my mindset to embrace that as much as I held myself back, I truly did want to succeed.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

The Opportunity of Chaos

Life is full of chaos. And that’s a bad thing, right? Or is it? Reframing what we perceive as negative into something that’s positive will shift your focus into finding the bright side of life!

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Stress and the Holidays

From Thanksgiving through New Years, we can feel overwhelmed with holiday stress. In the process, our brains are preparing us for what it expects, similar to how it instinctively guides wild animals to find the food and water they need when the environment around them changes. So much is learned behavior and response that we don't need to keep holding on to.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Positive Affirmations???

Have you ever repeatedly spoken positive affirmations or written them out over and over only to find you just don't feel much different? That's because it's all in your head. In this blog I briefly explain why this happens and what you can do to adopt the positive attitude you want.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Alone in a Relationship

Are you in a relationship - dating, married, friendship - and feeling disconnected as if you don’t exist? Are you feeling unvalued, unheard, or misunderstood? Is this a relationship you truly want in the first place? Mine wasn’t, but I couldn’t walk away…

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Rules, Traditions & Beliefs

From the moment we’re born, we are all given a set of rules, traditions, and beliefs to live by from the family or system we’re born into. But do they actually serve us? Use this set of questions on your journey of self-discovery.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner


My mind raced…How could I go by myself?? But I knew that if I didn’t go, I’d be missing a chance of a lifetime!

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Midol, Part 1

One little phrase can impact us for decades . . . Here’s one of the most impactful I’ve experienced.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

This Too Shall Pass!

Let’s talk about choosing to thrive instead of merely surviving during challenging times, including health and political issues. It emphasizes shifting from negative, fear-driven responses to positive, growth-oriented mindsets, embracing hope, resilience, and connection. We have the choice to focus on our common humanity and make positive changes in our lives and the world.

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