Getting Past Survivor

A Journey to Wholeness

Blog & Podcast

Hey there! Welcome to "Getting Past Survivor, A Journey to Wholeness," a blog and podcast where I openly share my personal journey of triumphing over trauma and loss. And, through my writing and speaking, you'll hear stories from other trauma survivors who really want to share their own experiences but prefer to remain anonymous, entrusting me to speak on their behalf.

This podcast is dedicated to creating a safe haven for vulnerability and fostering meaningful connections. Through sharing my stories, my aim is to offer guidance, hope, and inspiration to those who may be navigating their own healing paths. Together, we will unravel the complexities of trauma and loss, unearthing the strength within us to overcome adversity.

Whether you have encountered personal hardships or are looking to understand and support others who have, "Getting Past Survivor, A Journey to Wholeness" is here to accompany you on your journey. I firmly believe that by acknowledging our pain and embracing our vulnerabilities, we can discover the inner strength necessary to triumph over any challenge.

To read more about my story: The Reason for Getting Past Survivor


Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

You’ve Mastered Your Problems

Recognizing unconscious patterns developed from past experiences can greatly impact our daily lives. These ingrained behaviors often stem from childhood and can dictate our emotional and psychological responses as adults, sometimes in ways that no longer serve our current needs.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Forgiveness On My Terms

Here, I share my story—not to prescribe, but to offer solidarity in the search for a healing process that honors our individual truths. This is a dialogue about the courage to heal on our own terms, and a challenge to the one-size-fits-all solution often imposed upon survivors of trauma.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Uncovering Hidden Struggles

Did you know that our past experiences can deeply influence our present reality, even if we're not consciously aware of it? Meet Lily, whose outward success belied a hidden struggle rooted in childhood emotional neglect. Follow her journey of self-discovery as she uncovers the unconscious patterns driving her behavior and learns to rewrite her story from the inside out.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

The Downside of Speaking Goals

Discover the surprising downside of sharing your goals aloud in today's digital age. Uncover how the social reality effect can hinder your progress, leaving you feeling satisfied without taking meaningful steps forward. Learn practical strategies to navigate this phenomenon and stay focused on your aspirations. Read on for tips on selective sharing, action-oriented planning, and celebrating real milestones. Find the balance between external validation and internal drive. Dive into the full blog for insights and actionable advice.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Your Mind is Literally Uniquely You

Explore the depths of the unconscious to understand how past experiences influence our present reality. From revealing hidden conflicts to changing negative patterns, delving into our minds can lead to clarity, healing, and personal growth. Discover the power of self-awareness and embark on a journey to unlock your true potential.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Understanding the Limbic System

Discover the power of your limbic system, the brain's emotional center, in shaping how you see, hear, and feel the world. From interpreting visual cues to attaching emotions to sounds and sensations, it influences every aspect of our sensory experiences. Understanding this connection empowers us to navigate our emotions, recognize triggers, and make conscious choices for personal growth and well-being. Unlock the secrets of your mind and embrace the marvels of neuroscience!

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Unlock the Hidden Mind

Did you know that 95% of your mind's activity happens beyond your conscious awareness? This hidden realm holds the key to your automatic emotional and behavioral responses. Feel like you're lacking control? It's because you haven't learned to speak the language of your unconscious mind. By learning how to communicate with it, you’ll tap into the power of your whole mind and achieve the changes you really want.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Your Opposite Can Reveal Your True Self

Diving into the idea of your opposite self is a fun trip into “What if?” land. It’s about being curious enough to flip your view around, just to see what’s on the other side. Give it a shot - Ask yourself, “If I were totally different, what would I do?” You might be surprised by what you find. There could be brilliant sides of you waiting in the shadows of the unconscious mind ready to say, “Hey, where have you been?”

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Group Healing: The Vicarious Experience and the Unconscious Mind

Dive into the world of group healing and discover how our senses play a massive role in our experiences. Ever felt a story resonate so deeply you thought it was yours? This piece unpacks why that happens and how to navigate these sessions without getting lost. With personal insights from a seasoned facilitator, you'll learn to harness the power of your senses for a more genuine healing journey.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Tune Into the Unconscious Mind

The next time you experience a vivid dream, a sudden memory, or a strong gut feeling, don't push it away.

Welcome it. Sit with it. Understand it.

These sensory experiences are like messengers, bringing forth insights from the depths of your unconscious mind. Learn more about how to connect more deeply with yourself.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Listen to CSA Survivors

In this blog post, I shine a spotlight on a critical message: The significance of listening to survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Join me as I emphasize the importance of providing survivors with a safe space to share their stories. By lending an empathetic ear and validating their experiences, we can help survivors heal and contribute to a more compassionate society.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner


Nagging feelings like emptiness, fear, and overwhelm are signals from our unconscious mind, urging us to explore and understand ourselves better. Through self-reflection, we can decode the messages behind these feelings and make positive changes in our lives.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

The Family Dinner

When my children were growing up, our dinner table was a special place. Each night, one of them would be the moderator, asking questions that brought us closer together. We shared the best and worst parts of our day, what made us laugh and cry, something we learned, and our favorite memory. These conversations created a bond that will forever be cherished.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Uncover the Hidden

Over the last few years I had resolved so many things but didn't recognize that there was a part of me that was still needing to be addressed, cleared, resolved, loved, and that was my 7-8 year old who had to leave Belgium, had to leave the life where she finally had her first friends, first real relationships.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

You Have to Move…Immediately

What do you do when your home life is turned upside unexpectedly? How do you react within when you learn that you have 3 weeks to move everything you and your 3 children own? It was chaos, but I didn’t feel it in my body. Rather than panic, my brain was in control in a way that was calm and focused on solutions. How do you want your brain to respond in times of chaos?

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

When Change Feels Like Moving to a Foreign Country

Change can feel like moving to a foreign country. Not knowing the language, the customs, the culture can be daunting, but support such as a translator or tour guide can make the transition less overwhelming. You can find similar support to be helpful when making internal changes like learning your own intuition and understanding your view of the world. Hiring a guide or travel agent in this inner journey can make huge differences in how well you navigate your internal change.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

The Opportunity of Chaos

Life is full of chaos. And that’s a bad thing, right? Or is it? Reframing what we perceive as negative into something that’s positive will shift your focus into finding the bright side of life!

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Stress and the Holidays

From Thanksgiving through New Years, we can feel overwhelmed with holiday stress. In the process, our brains are preparing us for what it expects, similar to how it instinctively guides wild animals to find the food and water they need when the environment around them changes. So much is learned behavior and response that we don't need to keep holding on to.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Positive Affirmations???

Have you ever repeatedly spoken positive affirmations or written them out over and over only to find you just don't feel much different? That's because it's all in your head. In this blog I briefly explain why this happens and what you can do to adopt the positive attitude you want.

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Helen Brenner Helen Brenner

Alone in a Relationship

Are you in a relationship - dating, married, friendship - and feeling disconnected as if you don’t exist? Are you feeling unvalued, unheard, or misunderstood? Is this a relationship you truly want in the first place? Mine wasn’t, but I couldn’t walk away…

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