Uniquely You

If everyone is unique, how can any of us actually “fit in?”  As much as we try, we can never really fit in everywhere.  I mean, all of us at some point adjust ourselves to fit into an acceptable box, whether it’s through fashion, how we communicate, things we do, places we go, what we learn, how we earn a living, how we live as children, peers, parents, friends...and so on...  We struggle to fit in and yet nobody, absolutely nobody shares the same experiences.  Not even identical twins.  Shoot, even conjoined twins are unique!  We all see, hear, feel ourselves and the world around us from inside ourselves.

Oh, by the way, I really don’t find favor with the saying “You’re unique, just like everybody else.”  To me that just makes us un-special, unimportant and un-so many other things.  Instead of seeing the uniqueness as a good thing, it’s a “don’t expect everyone to like you” sentiment.  But, to me it’s more than that.  I believe in literally removing the notion that there can be, should be, and are similarities, reasons and standards by which we measure our “fit-in-ness.” 

Ok, so that said, if we are all beautifully unique, why do any of us actually ever think we’d have a chance of fitting in when fitting in is actually an illusion?  Who makes the “fitting in” rules, anyway? 

Who gets to decide what hair color “fits,” or what we ought to wear, how much we earn, what we look like, what we talk like, what we believe, . . . . ?  And who gets to judge?

And honestly, why do we let them?  We let people make rules and then we try our darnedest to contort ourselves to fit in.  Imagine for a moment where there were no rules, no expectations of how we’re supposed to fit in.  Imagine the freedom to live full on without any worry of not doing it right?  I don’t know about you, but that feels incredibly freeing.  No need to hold back for fear of judgment.  And no need to worry about others and what they’re doing.

I invite you to discover what makes you unique by taking away the parts of you that you’ve adopted so that others will like you, want you around, and allow you to be one of them and allowing your true thoughts, opinions, and beliefs to shine through.   

It’s a cool place to be when the baggage of expectations is emptied!  Then we can explore what makes everyone in the world unique so we can let go of the rules of fitting in, because nobody truly can fit in if fitting in isn’t real in the first place.

Click the link below and I’ll help you sort through all that you’re carrying and help you rid yourself of the thoughts, emotions, feelings, and beliefs that you don’t need anymore! Let’s free your unique you!


Extinguish Shame with Empathy


Living Life As You