Buckets & Wagons

I love the analogy of buckets.  I think the most familiar one is the bucket list – The one that’s full of things we want to do before we die.  Things we choose to do that make us happy.  I expanded on this concept and created several buckets for myself – places to go, things to craft, photos to capture, skills to learn, things to learn just for fun, coaching projects to create, blogs to write, etc.  All fun and exciting things! 

There’s also the analogy of baggage – you know, the one where someone says, “Wow, you’ve got a lot of baggage!”  That’s never meant to be a good thing.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen “must be baggage-free!” on dating sites. 

Funny thing happens as we go through life carrying our buckets:   People (including ourselves) throw opinions, expectations, emotions, judgments, etc. in them until our buckets are so heavy we need wagons to pull it all!   My buckets were overflowing with shame, fear, regret, sadness, anger,  depression, anxiety, avoidance, self-doubt, and unworthiness.

I have buckets from childhood sexual abuse, bullying, marriage, school, work, childhood peers, etc.  Other people have tossed a ton of crap in in my bucket-filled wagon. 

My grandmother had a saying, Pull your own wagon because mine’s full!  Mine was too full.  It was all dragging me down, holding me back, limiting my life.  And so,

I have been systematically going through each bucket by finding the truth and utilizing NLP to clear the untruths and refilling them with all of the positives I want in my life.

People still try to throw nonsense into my buckets, and I’m sure they always will.  But, I’m much better at having my buckets closed or quickly recognizing the contents and clearing it out pretty quickly by recognizing what’s happened. 

I keep my buckets to myself, I guard them from the negative.  Because as long as my bucket is out there open and exposed, I’m going to keep picking up everybody else’s junk.  And pretty soon it’ll all be too heavy and I’ll  need a wagon to pull it all again. 

I’d rather carry buckets around that are filled with excitement and joy and possibilities, than buckets filled with other people’s pain, expectations, judgment, and lies about my life and what I’m all about. 

Other people’s junk is heavy.  Dreams, fun, and excitement are joyful, light, and uplifting!  The more you have, the more lighthearted you’ll feel!  So let’s clear out your buckets and wagons so you can live a life of JOY!



Bird in a Gilded Cage


Time for My Happy to Come Home